reglo | Star en herbe

Njodzevem Marbel, a talent to discover in Cameroon's film industry
Njodzevem Marbel, a talent to discover in Cameroon's film industry

With over 20 films to her name and more than 7 movies with a lead role within two years, MJ as she is fondly called is an uprising Cameroonian actress to reckon with. Her latest movie, Evil Throne was aired for the first time on Saturday June 4 2020 at fresh planet Obili. In an exclusive interview with 100%Jeune, this very beautiful and multitalented actress gives us an inside of how it all started.

Zingel Speedy: the Mustard Seed of Local Rap
Zingel Speedy: the Mustard Seed of Local Rap

He is a young rap artist, who leaves somewhere in the heart of Yaoundé Cameroon. His passion for music is his main push factor, as he evolves in a society where we need neither an inborn talent nor prior training to get in the world of music. Zingel Speedy, in an exclusive interview with 100%jeune gives an insight of his life as a rap star.

Veroushka suit sa voie et impose sa voix
Veroushka suit sa voie et impose sa voix

Après avoir conquis son pays le Cameroun, puis le continent africain, Nga Mveng Engola Véronique de son vrai nom exporte son talent à l’hexagone en participant à The voice France 2020.

Dashor : la nouvelle sensation du rap 237
Dashor : la nouvelle sensation du rap 237

A 17 ans, il a dû faire un choix, et quel qu’en soit celui qu’il aurait fait, il était amené à travailler pour concrétiser ses espoirs et s’affirmer.


"Annick MHT" est sa signature. Vous l'avez peut-être déjà vue quelque part. L’équipe 100% Jeune te présente en quelques lignes la dessinatrice cachée derrière cette signature.

Nginyu Calixtus Ndomi, the painter of hope
Nginyu Calixtus Ndomi, the painter of hope

It is but another word for felling, every viewer is going to get a different thing; it is like a blind man's profession, because I produce not what I see, but what I feel, or what I tell myself about what I have seen. I am an artist, a painter and this is my story.