reglo | What's up

Contraception: The right scheme for me
Contraception: The right scheme for me

Have you ever taking a walk by a clinic or hospital? You might just eavesdrop on conversations such as “je veux le Depo”. One immediately wonders if hospitals now offer mobile money services.

FGM: The effects go beyond what eyes see
FGM: The effects go beyond what eyes see

Victims of female genital mutilation are often left with no voice than to endure the physical and psychological challenges that follows the experience.

Mariage précoce : Sois belle et tais-toi !
Mariage précoce : Sois belle et tais-toi !

Généralement consenti sans l’avis de la jeune fille, le mariage précoce constitue l’une des formes les plus récurrentes d’abus et de violences à l’égard des jeunes filles.

Child marriage, how much of a concern
Child marriage, how much of a concern

According to a UNICEF study in 2017, a whopping 31% of girls in Cameroon get married before their 18th birthday, while 10% are married before the age of 15. This very prolific phenomenon is mostly witnessed in the country's North, Far North and Adamawa regions.

Always fashionable but alert of STDS
Always fashionable but alert of STDS

Madame Vicky Mangoya, Psycho-social counselor of youths living with HIV/AIDS at Chantal Biya Foundation tells us about how youths can be fashionable while being cautious of being infected by HIV/AIDS.

Préservatif masculin et intox : faisons le point !
Préservatif masculin et intox : faisons le point !

Tu souhaites vivre une relation sexuelle réglo, mais tu hésites encore à utiliser le Préservatif à cause des fausses idées partagées dans ton entourage ou sur les réseaux sociaux ? Voici pour toi quelques conseils pour ne pas te faire avoir.