Who are key populations?
One may be tempted to confuse between vulnerable populations and key populations when talking about HIV/AIDS or any other epidemic. But these are two completely different notions.
One may be tempted to confuse between vulnerable populations and key populations when talking about HIV/AIDS or any other epidemic. But these are two completely different notions.
Rev. Noel Nuyaba, a marriage counselor and a pastor at Kingdome Restoration Ministries talks on the role of family in unwanted and untimely pregnancies.
Généralement pour la société, la gestion d’une grossesse incombe juste à la jeune fille. Cependant, les responsabilités doivent être partagées. De la prévention à la gestion de la grossesse en elle-même, les hommes sont aussi concernés.
Les données du pays à elles seules montrent l’ampleur de la situation. En effet, au Cameroun une jeune fille sur trois- (30%) – a accouché avant l’âge de 18 ans. A cela s’ajoute la précocité du premier rapport sexuel : il convient sur ce point de mentionner que 16% des jeunes femmes ont eu leur premier rapport sexuel à 15 ans contre 11% chez les jeunes garçons et aussi qu’une fille sur 6 a eu a eu des rapports sexuels à 14 ans ou avant.
Kah Leticia Njah, mid-wife at the Global Health Clinic in Yaoundé talks on the continuity of life despite untimely and unwanted pregnancy.
Nowadays, several socio-cultural facts such as early marriages, rapes, harassment and various abuses are factors in girls dropping out of school.
According to the United Nations ITU (International Telecommunication Union), an estimated skill shortfall of over 2 million jobs will be witnessed in the information and communication technology sector within the next 5 years. Girls who have acquired skills in coding, computer science and apps development will have an excellent career in the ICT sector.
Reconnue comme un droit fondamental pour la jeune fille, la scolarisation est encore freinée par certaines conceptions socioculturelles. Ce, malgré les efforts des gouvernements et des organisations internationales.
Généralement, la contraception est associée à l’image de la femme. Pourtant, les hommes devraient aujourd'hui s'impliquer dans le contrôle des naissances. Méthode hormonale, préservatifs, slip chauffant, vasectomie : les moyens de contraception masculine existent !
Contraception, also known as birth control, family planning or fertility control, is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. There have been many myths surrounding contraception methods over the years. This unverified information leaves many people, especially youth, confused on what to do to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Read on to know what is true and what isn't so that you will be able to make the right choice when going in for contraceptives. Also, always remember to seek medical advice before taking a decision concerning your health.