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What can I do if I am sexually harassed at school?
What can I do if I am sexually harassed at school?

Sexual harassment is a serious issue. Many students who have been sexually harassed report a drop in their grades, and some students have had to transfer to a different school, drop classes, or leave school altogether. If you think you are being sexually harassed, it is important to tell someone who can help you stop it. Here are some things you and/or your parents can do:

Sexual harassment in school: satisfy me or get a zero…
Sexual harassment in school: satisfy me or get a zero…

This is a very common phrase now a days within schools in our contemporary society. The young girl or boy who unluckily catches the eye of the teacher or mentor is always in a fix, because these people can’t control themselves hence their marks always suffer.

Fast-track commitments to end aids by 2030
Fast-track commitments to end aids by 2030

The fast track strategy is defined as the measures implemented in place to end HIV/AIDS by 2030. The fast track commitments are ten in number.

Je suis un homme/femme et puis quoi?
Je suis un homme/femme et puis quoi?

La problématique de l’existence de métiers réservés aux hommes et d’autres aux femmes uniquement continue de faire objet de débat. Pour beaucoup, la constitution physique de la femme la rend inapte à exercer certains métiers.

My A.B.C for a good back to School life !
My A.B.C for a good back to School life !

It is the back to school period where students need to use several ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy and several sexually transmittable diseases.