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Au secours : mes droits sexuels
Au secours : mes droits sexuels

Tu es surpris de savoir qu’il existe des droits sexuels ? Eh oui, cher réglo ! Les droits sexuels existent bel et bien. Ce sont des droits relatifs à la sexualité qui émanent des droits humains universels et inaliénables. Ce mois, ton site t’en parle pour t’aider à savoir ce qu’il te revient de droit et pour que tu puisses t’en servir au moment opportun !!!

Falling in love with a friend
Falling in love with a friend

Falling in love seems difficult, doesn’t it? Nearly impossible if you ask millennials who are currently swiping left on Tinder a million times a day.

My puberty: 100% clean
My puberty: 100% clean

One of the most protruding consequences of puberty is body odor. Boys and girls undergoing puberty may notice that, their body has started to smell different, or smell more, especially after sports or at the end of the day.

Puberty: when emotions get involved
Puberty: when emotions get involved

Puberty is a very delicate stage in life where boys and girls who undergo this era find it very difficult to cope with some varying changes on their body. Especially when their emotions start taken a better part of them.

The influence of western culture on the African culture
The influence of western culture on the African culture

Every culture has its own unique identity characterized by traditions, values and norms that make it distinctive. Over the centuries we have seen that the old African traditions are gradually...

Women’s party on women’s day: Traps to avoid
Women’s party on women’s day: Traps to avoid

International women’s day! A full day dedicated to the female gender during which we have the right to enjoy and have fun with our friends. During this day, many women celebrate with friends or colleagues in areas where they are confortable.

Girls power: La jeune fille camerounaise à la découverte des TIC
Girls power: La jeune fille camerounaise à la découverte des TIC

C'est incontestable, les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication sont devenues un élément incontournable pour le développement d'un pays. Et il est désormais essentiel pour les jeunes filles de s'y arrimer afin de contribuer à l'essor de leur région d'origine et ainsi affirmer leur autonomisation.