Know your status: Overcome challenges

A number of activities were put in place to mark the inauguration of the new office of ACMS in Bamenda including the voluntary counseling and the testing of the population of Nkwen which took place 9th September 2015.

The massive turnout of about 400 young persons for the voluntary counseling and testing for the population of Mile 4 Nkwen on the occasion of the inauguration of the Bamenda regional office indicated the importance of knowing our status and overcoming challenges by going for our HIV test. ACMS (Association Camerounaise pour le Marketing Social) moved the population. Parents, young persons and adults were encouraged to do their HIV test. The sensitization and screening saw the award of the day, for those who did their text went home with water guards to disinfect water, lubricants, condoms, and 100%Jeune magazines. The free HIV test is aimed at promoting fidelity, abstinence and condom use and put an end to stigmatization and unprotected sex. This massive free HIV screening campaign was to mark the inauguration of the ACMS Bamenda regional office, and the visit of the board members of ACMS in Bamenda.

Lukong Brenda

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