Justin as Justin Bieber

June 1st, we celebrate the Justin as in Justin Bieber and Justin Timberlake, in honor of Saint Justin.  The name Justin comes from a Latin adjective "justus" which means "just" (Latin etymology). " If you are a Justin or know anyone who is, then know that in spite of your quick temper, you are sincere, generous and very affectionate. You also possess a great sense of humor. You are social and you like people, involvement, and dedication to humanitarian causes.

You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. Now you see why the two aforementioned American stars are striving in music and acting!!  You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others. You can do well in position of authority, and prosper in intellectual and professional fields. Emergencies may raise your intuitive abilities in order to resolve conflict or situation. You become very creative under pressure, and have quite original ideas to make the best out of it. Hence you could easily be a star.

The biggest challenge for you is uncertainty. Easily getting bored, you can move from one job to another, switch projects and lovers. The high creative force can lead you either to happiness or unhappiness. If you understand your goals, if you can make major decisions in life and follow it directly and straight up without worry and uncertainty, you are able to achieve great heights.

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