What you need to know about remedial tutoring!

Remedial turoring is an act of identifying slow learners or persons facing difficulties in particular subjects and providing them with the necessary help and guidance to help overcome their problems.
This is done by carrying out extra classes after normal school hours to help, guide and accompany pupils/students in their various difficulties. Remedial tutoring involves using individualized teaching of students who are experiencing difficulties in specific subjects. Effective remediation involves assessing the student’s needs, providing intervention and evaluating student outcomes. This can be done in groups or one-to-one either in a classroom or in a learning support room. This type of extra classes is also good for people living with disabilities as it will impact more knowledge on them. It plays a very important role in teaching and learning. By means of assessment, remedial teachers can know the learning progress as well as strengths and weaknesses of students. Hence, they will design different teaching activities accordingly to help students learn in an effective manner. At the end of the remedial classes, students often acquire knowledge and fill the gap of difficulties. Therefore, in case of difficulties in any subject, students are advised to go for remedial tutoring.