Special Examinations agenda

The end of year examinations has been programed for August due to the killer pandemic that has caused ups and downs in the examination time-table. Here is the confirmed time-table



Wednesday, August 3-8, 2020.

Professional and Industrial Brevet, Technical and Industrial Certificate (Practical)

July 27-31, 2020.

Professional and Industrial Brevet, Technical and Industrial Certificate (Written)

July 27 to August 4, 2020

Commercial and technical education Certificate


Baccalaureate (E and TI series.

Practical: July 27 to August 1.
Written part: July 20-24.

Technical and Industrial Baccalaureate.

Practical: July 27 to August 1, 2020
 Written Exams: July 20-24

Technical and Industrial Probatoire.

Orals (Special Bilingual Series): July 27, 2020.
Written Exams: July 28-31


 July 27-31


Practical: August 10-14, 2020.
 Written Exams: August 3-8, 2020.

Baccalaureate and Probatoire STT

Practical: July 20- August 6, 2020.
 Written Exams: August 6-25, 2020

G.C.E Ordinary and Advanced Level

 July 20 to August 5, 2020.
 Written Exams: August 6-25, 2020.

TVE (Intermediate and Advanced Level)

Monday, August 31, 2020

Competitive entrance exams into 1st year and form five LTPA Yabassi:

July 31, 2020

General Education Probatoire
Orals (ABI Series)

July 31, ICT Series.
August 11-14, E Series
Written Exams: August 3-7, 2020

General Education Probatoire
Orals (ABI Series)

August: 17-28, 2020
 Written Exams: August 10-14, 2020.

Industrial Cap.

August 7-8, 2020

GTTC & GTTTC Competitive Entrance Exams


Engochan Che

A young and talented diva with the mind of working towards success with God's Grace.