Emily is a female name which originates from the Latin ‘Aemilius’ whose meaning is very hardworking. In this way, we can say that the meaning of Emily refers to hard work. The traits that define Emily are her great confidence in herself and her clarity of ideas and thoughts. She is organized, her life goals are clear, Emily knows how to handle her emotion and does not let them get in the way of any important decision as every decision she makes is well thought out. Emily is objective in her judgments but subjective in her affectivity. She is animated by irresistible confidence in herself when she gives besides that it is for her friends or for a just cause. She can break through very quickly, do not lie to Emily as she sees things. Her intuition is excellent and allows her to discover the secrets of life.

Engochan Che

A young and talented diva with the mind of working towards success with God's Grace.