I Am A Virgin, Then What?

Nowadays, it’s very common in our society for youngsters to laugh at their mates for being virgins, not sexually active or delaying their sexual lives.

According to Morfaw Margeret, a parent and nurse in Bamenda, youths should not be discouraged when faced with this challenge which instead helps them have healthy sexual lives void of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s), HIV, unplanned pregnancies, etc.

Meantime, peer pressure comes into play as fellow friends are being influenced to indulge in early sexual encounters which can destroy their school life. For example, getting pregnant, being expelled or dropping out of school. And why not being mocked at after following friends to partake in unsafe sexual activities will only destroy you. Will power as a result and equally keeping away from bad friends will help preserve your sexual lives. In a nutshell, delay your sexual gratification so as to lead healthy sexual lives at the right time when maturity or marriage sets in. Therefore, be proud to say I am a virgin, then what?

Munga Felicitas

La rédaction

Article réalisé par l'équipe de rédaction du site web www.reglo.org.