“Digital marketing” and ‘influencers’ a double-edged trend!

Digital marketing is gaining ground more than ever before in our society. An absolutely interesting platform to make money, make oneself known while amassing some fame through the increasing number of followers and viewers but then an ideal arena for sexual preys as well!

The conventional digital marketing also known as online marketing which is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication is on the lamb light with the coming in play of the “INFLUENCERS”. This term is used to describe individuals who already have a following on their social media handle because of who they are or what they do. .So, they actually make a conscious effort to keep these numbers on an increase for their paycheck as this will reflect how many views, likes and comments they will be able to get .The eye is easily attracted to glitter and by glitters we see the beautiful faces, the beautiful clothes, the talent the ability to be articulate, intelligence and convincing as such, the more these “social media influencers” serve the audience that the more is expected. The chest out, sexy clothes easily drawing followership than the speech on “how to make easy cash” and then display keeps increasing for the money and for the fame.

Truth be told the models idolized especially in our African society on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook sell the illusion that once willing to let it all out, brands will run after you, but in essence is that what is about…?

The trend is however gradually becoming a fertile ground for cyber criminals who create fake profiles in order to seduce and extract pictures from accounts sometimes resulting to leaked pictures, conversations resulting to an increase number of Nude images hence affecting these persons for life.Having a certain level of popularity on social media and followers is even more risky as the mass does thinks that what you portray is a reflection of who you are in reality and this could have an impact on an eventual future carrier and even Job.

As much as Digital marketing and influencer is the hustle of the hour there is a cause to be cautious on the content curated and even the preservation of one’s image. Nudity and public display are definitely not the best way to go about it, as the risk involved in the run could be detrimental to an amazing carrier and a beautiful life why not.

Rhoda Abi

Journalist,consultant and highly-motivated communications Junky