2021 Women World Handball Championship: Cameroon Qualifies

Cameroon has qualified for the 2021 world handball championship tournament which will take place in in Spain from the 2nd to the 19th of December 2021. This coming as a backdrop to just ended African women handball championship in Yaoundé Cameroon where she finished 2nd place. In the same rank as her are title holders Angola, 3rd and 4th runner up Tunisia and Congo respectively.
The dust is yet to settle of the just ended 24th edition of the African Women's Handball Championship. A total of 12 teams have taking part in what is been termed as the biggest sports frenzy when come to this domain. Held under the aegis of African Handball Confederation, the indomitable lionesses took the backyard advantage to unleash a world class performance throughout the competition.
Cameroon finished on top spot in group B with 3 matches played and won. This win took the indomitable lioness to the knockout stages where they faced other big teams like Congo, Nigeria and Angola. This will galvanize their moral, to take on the world come December 2nd 2021.
Unlike previous years, the competition has been expanded from 24 to 32 teams to be played within a period of two weeks. With Netherlands as the title holders, Cameroon indeed has an uphill task to prove its worth.